Free Hungarian Festival in Port Orange
6th Annual Spring Festival in DeBary

Ladybug Festival in DeLand


Join Us for Fun and the Crowning Activity of releasing of 34,000+ Ladybugs into the Fields

Jeff Brower, Terri, and their family have been invited to meet everyone, get petitions signed, and answer questions. Jeff is a leader in environmental responsibility. Come out and meet him. Bonus: the Brower women are making their famous homemade cookies and brownies from their own milled grains and organic ingredients.

Cost: $10/Family, $5/Person, (Children 5-younger - free)

Food Trucks, Ice-cream, Baby Goats & Chickens, Veggie Prep Demo @ 3PM, Craft tables, Games, Bounce houses, Live Music &  Cutest Ladybug/Bee Contest

Common Ground Organic Farm
1330 Taylor Rd
March 14, 2020
2 pm - 5 pm


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